15 participants of the project took part in the poll on this blog. I am very happy that the majority of them really liked the camp, 12 participants found it excellent. And your favourite activity? 66 per cent voted for National evenings! This would be my choice, too! :-) Thanks a lot to ev
erybody who voted and gave us a feedback. On the right hand side of the blog you can see new polls now, you´re invited to vote again!

We have already finished our work on dvd with photos and a film taken during the project run, we will send everything to your school in August. Enjoy your time on holiday! Regards from the Czech republic! Martin
2 komentáře:
It has been a very good job my dear friend while we are on holiday, you keep dealing with the project Breaking Stereotypes 2008-Reka,CZ. Thank you for your efforts to let us know the results of the poll. I should say that it is good to see that majority of the participants found the camp excellent. And it is very nice to hear that most of the participants voted on one specific activity, which is National Evenings. Therefore, this also proves that all the participants have presented their countries, cultures, schools, food, costumes, traditions in a very good way, which has been one of the aims of the project and it has been succeeded altogether... So, let's keep Breaking Stereotypes in 2009somewhere in .... again! Warmest regards and Winds from Turkey. TJ
Hallo TJ! Thank you for your nice words! We are still dealing with the project Breaking Stereotypes though the camp itself is over. You all can be looking forward to the film which David made from all we had taped during the camp. Take care, my friend, I hope that the forest fires we have been hearing about are over now. My warmest regards to you and whole the Turkish group.