The seventh day was a day of a whole-day activity called "Places without borders" We went to places which lie at the border with Poland and Slovakia. First we visited Karvina where we divided our group into two parts and each of them visited a different part of the Karvina´s chateau. Then we had a break for one hour (well, some of us for an hour and a half, am I right? :-) ) to walk in the town centre. In Karvina we
finally got online and could send messages and emails to our relatives and friends. From Karvina we continued to Mosty u Jablunkova where some of us had lunch, the others enjoyed bobsleigh track and other entertainment. The last point of our journey was Hrcava, the most easterly village in the Czech republic and Trojmezi, which is a triple border with Slovakia and Poland. Our EUROTEAM has already been there so we knew what to look for....for the others it was a surprise. We had some rest in Slovakia, took some photos in Poland
and went back to a horrible way up back to Hrcava. We arrived back at the camp before dinner and in the evening we could enjoy another national evening - now it was the Spanish turn.

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