Here is a sketch of the programme of the camp. The project includes a lot af activities, here are just some of them. You will enjoy not only sport games, hiking, EU tasks programme, debates, cultural performances, national evening programmes prepared by the other participants but hopefully a lot of fun and entertainment, too!
June 18 - arrivals, ice-breaking games
June 19 - making teams, ice-breaking and team-making games, host country evening programme
June 20 - sport activities, Treasure hunt, 1st partner country evening
June 21 - "Learn about the Czech culture and traditions" - whole day trip around region
June 22 - sport team activities, relaxing afternoon, 2nd partner country evening
June 23 - sport team activities, National quisine day, 3rd partner country evening
June 24 - "Bordering towns" whole day activity, visiting places on the border with Poland and Slovakia, 4th partner country evening
June 25 - sport activities, hiking with games, 5th partner country evening
June 26 - The day of games, outdoor games, Eurogames, bonfire
June 27 - Evaluation games, farewell lunch, departures
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