17. 8. 2008

31. 7. 2008

9. 7. 2008
After Breaking Stereotypes 2008-Reka,CZ

Thank you all for the successful project which we have just fulfilled. I have had some around more than 100 camp projects all over the world so far, but I strongly believe that this has been one of the most appreciated and successful projects. And I also believe that most of you have broken the stereotypes which you had in your minds before you arrived.
And now, I guess that these days are quite hard for you nowadays... you miss your friends in the camp... you miss the activities (even you call some of them unnecessary) ... you miss the food... the trips... country presentations... No, I am not going to dance!... trekking on the mountains... David getting sunburnt... Radegast... you miss looking for Armando... sports activities... girls' choir from Havirov... even you miss somebody throw you into the pool... games like tutti frutti... sitting and sleeping in the corridor... corridor parties... changing your rooms...and we, put you into your rooms back... dining hall chats (!)... thunder and stormy night... you also miss that scarry cable car. bobsleigh track... bus trips. places without borders... kofola ... and you miss the last night which you wished not to end... nutella girls and Latvian friends' leaves early in the morning... farewells... and wishes like "Hope to see you at Breaking Stereotypes-2009 in ......" and everything you remember.
But soon, you will start telling your friends and families about your experiences and other cultures you have gained at the camp which has been one of the aims of the project.
Thank you once again Martin, thank you Zdenka, thank you David, and thank you George and Peter, thank you Lord Mayor of Reka, thank you Lucy, Vlad'ka, Gabriella and all Czech Girls and THANK YOU ALL for the good cooperation and communication you have provided during the project. You made our stay in Czech Republic wonderful !
And we hope to meet again in another project.
Always remember that every beautiful thing has an end. And every end has a new beginning to recover...
Take care you all and keep in touch with each other please.
5. 7. 2008

All the participants are accommodated, well, some of them (Italians and some Czechs) cannot stand very much that there is nobody from their country in their room :-) Well, that is the rule! Team leaders agreed on the same way of accommodation as in the previous camp in Turkey two years ago. The project day started with a traditional activity called "Fears and expectations", all teams also hang their posters about other countries. Almost whole the project day was about ice-breaking and team-building games, so that everybody could get to know with the others. The weather was great (I am not going to compare the Czech "great" weather to Turkish, Spanish or Italian....), so all the games were played outside. And what were the games? Well, for example "Circle of names", "Animals" (oops, it could have been a bit better to present animals, couldn´t it?) , "Tutti frutti" etc. Later in the afternoon we could also see some games in international groups with names and symbols they created.
4. 7. 2008
24. 6. 2008

15. 6. 2008
Greetings from Czech Republic
12. 6. 2008
We are José Ángel (on the left), Adrián Bernabéu, Itziar and Adrián Angelina (who are sitting), Pilar, Raúl and our teacher Lucio. Cheerssss!
We wish see you soon, we are looking forward to it. Bye!!!
25. 5. 2008

20. 5. 2008
18. 5. 2008

8. 5. 2008
The preliminary meeting will take place in May 23-25 in Karvina and Reka and each participating team will be represented by its team leader.
May 23 - arrivals, visiting Karvina, departure for Reka
May 24 - discussions over the programme of the camp, establishing rules,arranging arrivals of all participants, organisational stuff. Later on visiting the campsite and the surroundings, walk in the mountains
May 25 - departure for Karvina, sightseeing Karvina - the centre, town square, spa park, departures